
Antipruritic Effect of Ethyl Acetate Extract from Fructus cnidii in Mice with 2,4-Dinitrofluorobenzene-Induced Atopic Dermatitis.


Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common inflammatory skin disease characterized by intense pruritus and skin lesions. The exact cause of AD is not yet known and the available therapeutic strategies for AD are limited. Fructus cnidii is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine as an herb for treating chronic itch. However, the mechanism underlying the antipruritic effects of Fructus cnidii is not well understood. In the present study, we investigated the antipruritic effect of locally administered ethyl acetate extract from Fructus cnidii (EAEFC) to 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene- (DNFB-) induced AD in a mouse model. The scratching behavior, skin thickness, dermatitis score, weight, blood immunoglobulin E (IgE) level, and itch-related cytokine levels were subsequently monitored and evaluated. Results showed that EAEFC treatment attenuated the DNFB-induced AD-like symptoms by alleviating the skin lesions and decreasing the dermatitis score. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and toluidine blue (TB) staining analyses demonstrated that EAEFC mitigated the DNFB-induced increase in skin thickness and prevented the infiltration of mast cells. Behavioral tests showed that EAEFC decreased the DNFB-induced acute and chronic scratching behaviors. Furthermore, EAEFC reduced the levels of itch-related cytokines, such as thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), interleukin- (IL-) 17, IL-33, and IL-31, and the DNFB-induced boost in serum IgE. Collectively, these results suggest that EAEFC is a potential therapeutic candidate for the treatment of chronic itch in AD.


Bradykinin Is a Potent Pruritogen in Atopic Dermatitis: A Switch From Pain to Itch

Miwa Hosogi 1Martin SchmelzYoshiki MiyachiAkihiko Ikoma


Histamine, substance P, serotonin and bradykinin were applied by iontophoresis to lesional and visually non-lesional skin of 14 patients with atopic dermatitis, and normal skin of 15 healthy volunteers. Itch could be evoked by light stroking of skin with a cotton swab (alloknesis) in all lesional skin sites, but not in non-lesional or normal skin. Substances were applied in the same skin area before and 3 h after administration of placebo or antihistamine (olopatadine hydrochloride: H1-receptor-blocker). Intensities of itch and pain sensation and areas of flare and wheal were measured. All the substances induced significantly more intense itch in lesional skin than in non-lesional skin of patients. Even bradykinin, which evoked only weak itch and pain of similar intensities in non-lesional skin of patients and in healthy volunteers, induced intense itch in lesional skin, while the simultaneously increased pain did not suppress the itch sensation, indicating central sensitization. Histamine- and substance P-induced itch was almost completely suppressed by antihistamines, whereas bradykinin- and serotonin-induced itch was not. This suggests that substance P is a histamine-dependent pruritogen also in lesional skin under sensitized conditions but that bradykinin and serotonin are histamine-independent pruritogens in lesional skin. It is concluded that serotonin and bradykinin, classic endogenous algogens, can turn into potent histamine-independent pruritogens in lesional skin of atopic dermatitis.


Cross-talk between Human Spinal Cord μ-opioid Receptor 1Y Isoform and Gastrin-releasing Peptide Receptor Mediates Opioid-induced Scratching Behavior.

Liu XYGinosar YYazdi JHincker AChen ZF.



Although spinal opioids are safe and effective, pruritus is common and distressing. The authors previously demonstrated in mouse spinal cord that interactions between μ-opioid receptor isoform 1D and gastrin releasing peptide receptor mediate morphine-induced scratch. The C-terminal of 1D inhibits morphine-induced scratch without affecting analgesia. The authors hypothesize that human spinal cord also contains itch-specific μ-opioid receptor isoforms which interact with gastrin releasing peptide receptor.


Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction was performed on human spinal cord complimentary DNA from two humancadavers. Calcium responses to morphine (1 μM) were examined using calcium imaging microscopy on human cells (HEK293) coexpressing gastrin releasing peptide receptor and different human μ-opioid receptor isoforms. The authors assessed morphine-induced scratching behavior and thermal analgesia in mice following intrathecal injection of morphine (0.3 nmol) and a transactivator of transcription peptide designed from C-terminal sequences of 1Y isoform (0, 0.1, and 0.4 nmol).


The authors demonstrated 1Y expression in the spinal cord dorsal horn. Morphine administration evoked a calcium response (mean ± SD) (57 ± 13 nM) in cells coexpressing both gastrin releasing peptide receptor and the 1Y isomer. This was blocked by 10 μM naltrexone (0.7 ± 0.4 nM; P < 0.0001), 1 μM gastrin-releasing peptide receptor antagonist (3 ± 2 nM; P < 0.0001), or 200 μM 1Y-peptide(2 + 2 nM; P < 0.0001). In mice, 0.4 nmol 1Y-peptide significantly attenuated morphine-induced scratching behaviors (scratching bouts, vehicle vs. 1Y-peptide) (92 ± 31 vs. 38 ± 29; P = 0.011; n = 6 to 7 mice per group), without affecting morphine antinociception in warm water tail immersion test (% of maximum possible effect) (70 ± 21 vs. 67 ± 22; P = 0.80; n = 6 mice per group).


Human μ-opioid receptor 1Y isomer is a C-terminal splicing variant of Oprm1 gene identified in human spinal cord. Cross-talk between 1Y and gastrin releasing peptide receptor is required for mediating opioid-induced pruritus. Disrupting the cross talkmay have implications for therapeutic uncoupling of desired analgesic effects from side effects of opioids.


Complementary roles of murine NaV1.7, NaV1.8 and NaV1.9 in acute itch signalling

Helen Kühn*, Leonie KappesKatharina WolfLisa GebhardtMarkus F. NeurathPeter ReehMichael J. M. Fischer & Andreas E. Kremer


Acute pruritus occurs in various disorders. Despite severe repercussions on quality of life treatment options remain limited. Voltage-gated sodium channels (NaV) are indispensable for transformation and propagation of sensory signals implicating them as drug targets. Here, NaV1.7, 1.8 and 1.9 were compared for their contribution to itch by analysing NaV-specific knockout mice. Acute pruritus was induced by a comprehensive panel of pruritogens (C48/80, endothelin, 5-HT, chloroquine, histamine, lysophosphatidic acid, trypsin, SLIGRL, β-alanine, BAM8-22), and scratching was assessed using a magnet-based recording technology. We report an unexpected stimulus-dependent diversity in NaV channel-mediated itch signalling. NaV1.7−/− showed substantial scratch reduction mainly towards strong pruritogens. NaV1.8−/− impaired histamine and 5-HT-induced scratching while NaV1.9 was involved in itch signalling towards 5-HT, C48/80 and SLIGRL. Furthermore, similar microfluorimetric calcium responses of sensory neurons and expression of itch-related TRP channels suggest no change in sensory transduction but in action potential transformation and conduction. The cumulative sum of scratching over all pruritogens confirmed a leading role of NaV1.7 and indicated an overall contribution of NaV1.9. Beside the proposed general role of NaV1.7 and 1.9 in itch signalling, scrutiny of time courses suggested NaV1.8 to sustain prolonged itching. Therefore, NaV1.7 and 1.9 may represent targets in pruritus therapy.


Quantitative Characterization of the Neuropeptide Level Changes in Dorsal Horn and Dorsal Root Ganglia Regions of the Murine Itch Models

Emily G TillmaandKrishna D B AnapindiEduardo De La TobaChangxiong J GuoJessica KrebsAshley E LenhartQin LiuJonathan V Sweedler


Chronic itch can be extremely devastating and, in many cases, difficult to treat. One challenge in treating itch disorders is the limited understanding of the multitude of chemical players involved in the communication of itch sensation from the peripheral to central nervous system. Neuropeptides are intercellular signaling molecules that are known to be involved in the transmission of itch signals from primary afferent neurons, which detect itch in the skin, to higher-order circuits in the spinal cord and brain. To investigate the role neuropeptides play in transmitting itch signals, we generated two mouse models of chronic itch-Acetone-Ether-Water (AEW, dry skin) and calcipotriol (MC903, atopic dermatitis). For peptide identification and quantitation, we analyzed the peptide content of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and dorsal horn (DH) tissues from chronically itchy mice using liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. De novo-assisted database searching facilitated the identification and quantitation of 335 peptides for DH MC903, 318 for DH AEW, 266 for DRG MC903, and 271 for DRG AEW. Of these quantifiable peptides, we detected 30 that were differentially regulated in the tested models, after accounting for multiple testing correction (q<0.1). These include several peptide candidates derived from neuropeptide precursors, such as proSAAS, protachykinin-1, proenkephalin and calcitonin gene-related peptide, some of them previously linked to itch. The peptides identified in this study may help elucidate our understanding about these debilitating disorders. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD015949.


MRGPRX4 is a bile acid receptor for human cholestatic itch

Huasheng Yu,1,2,3Tianjun Zhao,1,2,3Simin Liu,1Qinxue Wu,4Omar Johnson,4Zhaofa Wu,1,2Zihao Zhuang,1Yaocheng Shi,5Luxin Peng,5Renxi He,1,2Yong Yang,6Jianjun Sun,7Xiaoqun Wang,8Haifeng Xu,9Zheng Zeng,10Peng Zou,5Xiaoguang Lei,3,5Wenqin Luo,4 and  Yulong Li1,2,3,11


Patients with liver diseases often suffer from chronic itch, yet the pruritogen(s) and receptor(s) remain largely elusive. Here, we identify bile acids as natural ligands for MRGPRX4. MRGPRX4 is expressed in human dorsal root ganglion (hDRG) neurons and co-expresses with itch receptor HRH1. Bile acids elicited Ca2+ responses in cultured hDRG neurons, and bile acids or a MRGPRX4 specific agonist induced itch in human subjects. However, a specific agonist for another bile acid receptor TGR5 failed to induce itch in human subjects and we find that human TGR5 is not expressed in hDRG neurons. Finally, we show positive correlation between cholestatic itch and plasma bile acids level in itchy patients and the elevated bile acids is sufficient to activate MRGPRX4. Taken together, our data strongly suggest that MRGPRX4 is a novel bile acid receptor that likely underlies cholestatic itch in human, providing a promising new drug target for anti-itch therapies.

Research organism: Human

Supplementary Figures. https://elifesciences.org/articles/48431/figures#fig8s1


Neutrophils promote CXCR3-dependent itch in the development of atopic dermatitis.

Walsh CM1Hill RZ1Schwendinger-Schreck J1Deguine J1Brock EC1Kucirek N1Rifi Z1Wei J2Gronert K2Brem RB3Barton GM1Bautista DM1.


Chronic itch remains a highly prevalent disorder with limited treatment options. Most chronic itch diseases are thought to be driven by both the nervous and immune systems, but the fundamental molecular and cellular interactions that trigger the development of itch and the acute-to-chronic itch transition remain unknown. Here, we show that skin-infiltrating neutrophils are key initiators of itch in atopic dermatitis, the most prevalent chronic itch disorder. Neutrophil depletion significantly attenuated itch-evoked scratching in a mouse model of atopic dermatitis. Neutrophils were also required for several key hallmarks of chronic itch, including skin hyperinnervation, enhanced expression of itch signaling molecules, and upregulation of inflammatory cytokines, activity-induced genes, and markers of neuropathic itch. Finally, we demonstrate that neutrophils are required for induction of CXCL10, a ligand of the CXCR3 receptor that promotes itch via activation of sensory neurons, and we find that that CXCR3 antagonism attenuates chronic itch.


immunology; inflammation; mouse; neuroscience


MrgprX1 mediates neuronal excitability and itch through tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channels

Tseng, Pang-Yen PhDa; Zheng, Qin PhDa; Li, Zhea; Dong, Xinzhong PhDa,b,


In this study, we sought to elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying human Mas-related G protein–coupled receptor X1 (MrgprX1)-mediated itch sensation. We found that activation of MrgprX1 by BAM8-22 triggered robust action potential discharges in dorsal root ganglion neurons. This neuronal excitability is not mediated by transient receptor potential (TRP) cation channels, M-type potassium channels, or chloride channels. Instead, activation of MrgprX1 lowers the activation threshold of tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channels and induces inward sodium currents. These MrgprX1-elicited action potential discharges can be blocked by Pertussis toxin and a Gβγ inhibitor—Gallein. Behavioral results showed that Nav1.9 knockout but not TRPA1 knockout significantly reduced BAM8-22 evoked scratching behavior. Collectively, these data suggest that activation of MrgprX1 triggers itch sensation by increasing the activity of tetrodotoxin-resistant voltage-gated sodium channels.

Keywords: MrgprX1, BAM8-22, Itch, Dorsal root ganglion neurons, TTX-resistant sodium channels, TRPA1, TRPV1


BAM8-22 and its receptor MRGPRX1 may attribute to cholestatic pruritus

Babina Sanjel,1,2Han-Joo Maeng,1,2 and  Won-Sik Shim1,2


Pruritus is an unexpected symptom observed in cholestasis and its mechanism is still unclear. Here, we show that bovine adrenal medulla (BAM) 8–22, an endogenous itch-inducing peptide, could be involved in cholestatic pruritus. It was found that bile duct ligation (BDL) mice, an obstructive cholestasis model, showed increased spontaneous scratching behaviour. Importantly, the mRNA level of proenkephalin, a precursor polypeptide of BAM8-22, was significantly increased in the skin of BDL mice. Furthermore, the mRNA level of Mrgprx1, which encodes a receptor for BAM8-22, was significantly increased in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of BDL mice. This was further confirmed by elevation of intracellular calcium levels upon BAM8-22 treatment in primarily-cultured DRG neurons. In addition, BDL mice showed augmented scratching behaviour by BAM8-22, indicating enhanced activity of MRGPRX1. Moreover, the skin homogenate of BDL mice induced elevation of intracellular calcium levels through MRGPRX1. Finally, among the various bile acids, chenodeoxycholic acid significantly increased proenkephalin transcription in a human keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT). In conclusion, cholestatic pruritus could be attributed in part to enhanced action of both BAM8-22 in the skin and its receptor MRGPRX1 in sensory neurons.

Subject terms: Sensory processing, Molecular neuroscience


MRGPRX4 is a G protein-coupled receptor activated by bile acids that may contribute to cholestatic pruritus.

Meixiong JVasavda CSnyder SHDong X.


Patients suffering from cholestasis, the slowing or stoppage of bile flow, commonly report experiencing an intense, chronic itch. Numerous pruritogens are up-regulated in cholestatic patient sera, including bile acids (BAs). Acute injection of BAs results in itch in both mice and humans, and BA-modulating therapy is effective in controlling patient itch. Here, we present evidence that human sensory neuron-expressed Mas-related G protein-coupled receptor X4 (MRGPRX4), an orphan member of the Mrgpr family of GPCRs, is a BA receptor. Using Ca2+ imaging, we determined that pathophysiologically relevant levels of numerous BAs activated MRGPRX4. No mouse Mrgpr orthologs were activated by BAs. To assess the in vivo relevance of BA activation of MRGPRX4, we generated a humanized mouse with targeted expression of MRGPRX4 in itch-encoding sensory neurons. BAs activated MRGPRX4+ sensory neurons at higher levels compared with WT neurons. Compared with control animals, MRGPRX4+ mice scratched more upon acute injection of BAs and in a model of cholestatic itch. Overall, these data suggest that targeting MRGPRX4 is a promising strategy for alleviating cholestatic itch.

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