Journal club 2013-06-07

Activity-dependent silencing reveals functionally distinct itch-generating sensory neurons

David P Roberson1,2, Sagi Gudes3,4,8, Jared M Sprague1,5,8, Haley A W Patoski1, Victoria K Robson1, Felix Blasl3, Bo Duan2,6, Seog Bae Oh1,7, Bruce P Bean2, Qiufu Ma2,6, Alexander M Binshtok3,4 & Clifford J Woolf1,2

nn.3404 nn.3404-S1

The peripheral terminals of primary sensory neurons detect histamine and non-histamine itch-provoking ligands through molecularly distinct transduction mechanisms. It remains unclear, however, whether these distinct pruritogens activate the same or different afferent fibers. Using a strategy of reversibly silencing specific subsets of murine pruritogen-sensitive sensory axons by targeted delivery of a charged sodium-channel blocker, we found that functional blockade of histamine itch did not affect the itch evoked by chloroquine or SLIGRL-NH2, and vice versa. Notably, blocking itch-generating fibers did not reduce pain-associated behavior. However, silencing TRPV1+ or TRPA1+ neurons allowed allyl isothiocyanate or capsaicin, respectively, to evoke itch, implying that certain peripheral afferents may normally indirectly inhibit algogens from eliciting itch. These findings support the presence of functionally distinct sets of itch-generating neurons and suggest that targeted silencing
of activated sensory fibers may represent a clinically useful anti-pruritic therapeutic approach for histaminergic and non- histaminergic pruritus.

Journal club 2013-05-31

The Cells and Circuitry for Itch Responses in Mice

Santosh K. Mishra and Mark A. Hoon*



Itch is triggered by somatosensory neurons expressing the ion channel TRPV1 (transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1), but the mechanisms underlying this nociceptive response remain poorly understood. Here, we show that the neuropeptide natriuretic polypeptide b (Nppb) is expressed in a subset of TRPV1 neurons and found that Nppb−/− mice selectively lose almost all behavioral responses to itch-inducing agents. Nppb triggered potent scratching when injected intrathecally in wild-type and Nppb−/− mice, showing that this neuropeptide evokes itch when released from somatosensory neurons. Itch responses were blocked by toxin-mediated ablation of Nppb-receptor–expressing cells, but a second neuropeptide, gastrin-releasing peptide, still induced strong responses in the toxin-treated animals. Thus, our results define the primary pruriceptive neurons, characterize Nppb as an itch-selective neuropeptide, and reveal the next
two stages of this dedicated neuronal pathway.

Journal club 2013-05-10

The TGR5 receptor mediates bile acid– induced itch and analgesia


Farzad Alemi,1 Edwin Kwon,1 Daniel P. Poole,2 TinaMarie Lieu,3 Victoria Lyo,1 Fiore Cattaruzza,1 Ferda Cevikbas,4 Martin Steinhoff,4 Romina Nassini,5 Serena Materazzi,5 Raquel Guerrero-Alba,6 Eduardo Valdez-Morales,6 Graeme S. Cottrell,7 Kristina Schoonjans,8 Pierangelo Geppetti,5 Stephen J. Vanner,6 Nigel W. Bunnett,3 and Carlos U. Corvera1

1Department of Surgery, UCSF, San Francisco, California, USA. 2Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia. 3Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Parkville, Victoria, Australia. 4Department of Dermatology, UCSF, San Francisco, California, USA. 5Department of Preclinical and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Florence, Florence, Italy. 6Gastrointestinal Diseases Research Unit, Division of Gastroenterology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. 7Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, The University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom. 8Laboratory of Integrative and Systems Physiology, Institute of Bioengineering, School of Life Sciences, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Patients with cholestatic disease exhibit pruritus and analgesia, but the mechanisms underlying these symp- toms are unknown. We report that bile acids, which are elevated in the circulation and tissues during cho- lestasis, cause itch and analgesia by activating the GPCR TGR5. TGR5 was detected in peptidergic neurons of mouse dorsal root ganglia and spinal cord that transmit itch and pain, and in dermal macrophages that contain opioids. Bile acids and a TGR5-selective agonist induced hyperexcitability of dorsal root ganglia neu- rons and stimulated the release of the itch and analgesia transmitters gastrin-releasing peptide and leucine- enkephalin. Intradermal injection of bile acids and a TGR5-selective agonist stimulated scratching behavior by gastrin-releasing peptide– and opioid-dependent mechanisms in mice. Scratching was attenuated in Tgr5-KO mice but exacerbated in Tgr5-Tg mice (overexpressing mouse TGR5), which exhibited spontaneous pruritus. Intraplantar and intrathecal injection of bile acids caused analgesia to mechanical stimulation of the paw by an opioid-dependent mechanism. Both peripheral and central mechanisms of analgesia were absent from Tgr5-KO mice. Thus, bile acids activate TGR5 on sensory nerves, stimulating the release of neuropeptides in the spinal cord that transmit itch and analgesia. These mechanisms could contribute to pruritus and painless jaundice that occur during cholestatic liver diseases.

Journal club 2013-04-05

Peptidergic CGRPa Primary Sensory Neurons Encode Heat and Itch
and Tonically Suppress Sensitivity to Cold

Eric S. McCoy,1 Bonnie Taylor-Blake,1 Sarah E. Street,1 Alaine L. Pribisko,1 Jihong Zheng,1 and Mark J. Zylka1,* 1Department of Cell Biology and Physiology, UNC Neuroscience Center, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, CB #7545, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA



Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is a classic molecular marker of peptidergic primary somatosen- sory neurons. Despite years of research, it is unknown whether these neurons are required to sense pain or other sensory stimuli. Here, we found that genetic ablation of CGRPa-expressing sensory neurons reduced sensitivity to noxious heat, capsa- icin, and itch (histamine and chloroquine) and impaired thermoregulation but did not impair mecha- nosensation or b-alanine itch—stimuli associated with nonpeptidergic sensory neurons. Unexpectedly, ablation enhanced behavioral responses to cold stimuli and cold mimetics without altering peripheral nerve responses to cooling. Mechanistically, ablation reduced tonic and evoked activity in postsynaptic spinal neurons associated with TRPV1/heat, while profoundly increasing tonic and evoked activity in spinal neurons associated with TRPM8/cold. Our data reveal that CGRPa sensory neurons encode heat and itch and tonically cross-inhibit cold-respon- sive spinal neurons. Disruption of this crosstalk unmasks cold hypersensitivity, with mechanistic implications for neuropathic pain and temperature perception.

Journal club 2013-03-15

Analysis of cellular and behavioral responses to imiquimod reveals a unique itch pathway in transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1)-expressing neurons



Se-Jeong Kima,b,1, Goon Ho Parka,1, Donghoon Kimb, Jaekwang Leec, Hyejung Mina, Estelle Walla, C. Justin Leec, Melvin I. Simona,2, Sung Joong Leeb,2, and Sang-Kyou Hana,2

aDepartment of Pharmacology, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093; bDepartment of Neuroscience, Dental Research Institute, and Brain Korea21, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Seoul 110-749, Republic of Korea; cCenter for Functional Connectomics, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul 136-791, Republic of Korea

Contributed by Melvin I. Simon, January 5, 2011 (sent for review November 7, 2010)

Despite its clinical importance, the mechanisms that mediate or generate itch are poorly defined. The identification of pruritic com- pounds offers insight into understanding the molecular and cellular basis of itch. Imiquimod (IQ) is an agonist of Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) used to treat various infectious skin diseases such as genital warts, keratosis, and basal cell carcinoma. Itch is reportedly one of the major side effects developed during IQ treatments. We found that IQ acts as a potent itch-evoking compound (pruritogen) in mice via direct excitation of sensory neurons. Combined studies of scratching behavior, patch-clamp recording, and Ca2+ response re- vealed the existence of a unique intracellular mechanism, which is independent of TLR7 as well as different from the mechanisms exploited by other well-characterized pruritogens. Nevertheless, as for other pruritogens, IQ requires the presence of transient re- ceptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1)-expressing neurons for itch- associated responses. Our data provide evidence supporting the hypothesis that there is a specific subset of TRPV1-expressing neu- rons that is equipped with diverse intracellular mechanisms that respond to histamine, chloroquine, and IQ.

Journal club 2013-02-22

A subpopulation of nociceptors specifically linked to itch


Liang Han1, Chao Ma2,3, Qin Liu1,4, Hao-Jui Weng1,4, Yiyuan Cui5, Zongxiang Tang1,4, Yushin Kim1, Hong Nie3,6, Lintao Qu3, Kush N Patel1,4, Zhe Li1, Benjamin McNeil1, Shaoqiu He7, Yun Guan7, Bo Xiao5, Robert H LaMotte3 & Xinzhong Dong1,4

Itch-specific neurons have been sought for decades. The existence of such neurons has been doubted recently as a result of the observation that itch-mediating neurons also respond to painful stimuli. We genetically labeled and manipulated MrgprA3+ neurons in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and found that they exclusively innervated the epidermis of the skin and responded to multiple pruritogens. Ablation of MrgprA3+ neurons led to substantial reductions in scratching evoked by multiple pruritogens and occurring spontaneously under chronic itch conditions, whereas pain sensitivity remained intact. Notably, mice in which TRPV1 was exclusively expressed in MrgprA3+ neurons exhibited itch, but not pain, behavior in response to capsaicin. Although MrgprA3+ neurons were sensitive to noxious heat, activation of TRPV1 in these neurons by noxious heat did not alter pain behavior. These data suggest that MrgprA3 defines a specific subpopulation of DRG neurons mediating itch. Our study opens new avenues for studying itch and developing anti-pruritic therapies.

Journal club 2013-02-01

A Heat-Sensitive TRP Channel Expressed in Keratinocytes

Andrea M. Peier,1 Alison J. Reeve,2 David A. Andersson,2 Aziz Moqrich,3 Taryn J. Earley,3 Anne C. Hergarden,1 Gina M. Story,3 Sian Colley,2 John B. Hogenesch,1 Peter McIntyre,2 Stuart Bevan,2 Ardem Patapoutian1,3*



Mechanical and thermal cues stimulate a specialized group of sensory neurons that terminate in the skin. Three members of the transient receptor potential (TRP) family of channels are expressed in subsets of these neurons and are activated at distinct physiological temperatures. Here, we describe the cloning and characterization of a novel thermosensitive TRP channel. TRPV3 has a unique threshold: It is activated at innocuous (warm) temperatures and shows an increased response at noxious temperatures. TRPV3 is specifically expressed in keratinocytes; hence, skin cells are capable of detecting heat via molecules similar to those in heat-sensing neurons.

Journal club 2013-01-14

Mechanisms of Itch Evoked by ß-Alanine


Qin Liu,1,2 Parul Sikand,3 Chao Ma,3 Zongxiang Tang,1,2 Liang Han,1 Zhe Li,1 Shuohao Sun,1 Robert H. LaMotte,3
and Xinzhong Dong1,2
1The Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience, Center for Sensory Biology, and 2Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21205, and 3Department of Anesthesiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut 06520

ß-alanine, a popular supplement for muscle building, induces itch and tingling after consumption, but the underlying molecular and neural mechanisms are obscure. Here we show that, in mice,

Journal club 2012-12-07

TRPA1 underlies a sensing mechanism for O2

nchembio.640 , nchembio.640-S1

nobuaki takahashi1–3, tomoyuki Kuwaki4, shigeki Kiyonaka1,2,5, tomohiro numata1,2, daisuke Kozai1,2, Yusuke Mizuno1,2, shinichiro Yamamoto1,2, shinji naito6, ellen Knevels7,8, peter Carmeliet7,8, toru Oga9, shuji Kaneko10, seiji suga1, toshiki nokami1, Jun-ichi Yoshida1 & Yasuo Mori1,2,5*

Oxygen (O2) is a prerequisite for cellular respiration in aerobic organisms but also elicits toxicity. To understand how animals cope with the ambivalent physiological nature of O2, it is critical to elucidate the molecular mechanisms responsible for O2 sens- ing. Here our systematic evaluation of transient receptor potential (TRP) cation channels using reactive disulfides with differ- ent redox potentials reveals the capability of TRPA1 to sense O2. O2 sensing is based upon disparate processes: whereas prolyl hydroxylases (PHDs) exert O2-dependent inhibition on TRPA1 activity in normoxia, direct O2 action overrides the inhibition via the prominent sensitivity of TRPA1 to cysteine-mediated oxidation in hyperoxia. Unexpectedly, TRPA1 is activated through relief from the same PHD-mediated inhibition in hypoxia. In mice, disruption of the Trpa1 gene abolishes hyperoxia- and hypoxia-induced cationic currents in vagal and sensory neurons and thereby impedes enhancement of in vivo vagal discharges induced by hyperoxia and hypoxia. The results suggest a new O2-sensing mechanism mediated by TRPA1.

Journal club 2012-11-09

Piezo1 and Piezo2 Are Essential Components of Distinct Mechanically Activated Cation Channels

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Bertrand Coste,1 Jayanti Mathur,2 Manuela Schmidt,1 Taryn J. Earley,1 Sanjeev Ranade,1 Matt J. Petrus,2 Adrienne E. Dubin,1 Ardem Patapoutian1,2*

Mechanical stimuli drive many physiological processes, including touch and pain sensation, hearing, and blood pressure regulation. Mechanically activated (MA) cation channel activities have been recorded in many cells, but the responsible molecules have not been identified.
We characterized a rapidly adapting MA current in a mouse neuroblastoma cell line. Expression profiling and RNA interference knockdown of candidate genes identified Piezo1 (Fam38A) to be required for MA currents in these cells. Piezo1 and related Piezo2 (Fam38B) are vertebrate multipass transmembrane proteins with homologs in invertebrates, plants, and protozoa. Overexpression of mouse Piezo1 or Piezo2 induced two kinetically distinct MA currents. Piezos are expressed in several tissues, and knockdown of Piezo2 in dorsal root ganglia neurons specifically reduced rapidly adapting MA currents. We propose that Piezos are components of MA cation channels.

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