Journal Club 2017.10.27

Contribution of TRPC3 to store-operated calcium entry and inflammatory transductions in primary nociceptors.



Prolonged intracellular calcium elevation contributes to sensitization of nociceptors and chronic pain in inflammatory conditions. The underlying molecular mechanisms remain unknown but store-operated calcium entry (SOCE) components participate in calcium homeostasis, potentially playing a significant role in chronic pain pathologies. Most G protein-coupled receptors activated by inflammatory mediators trigger calcium-dependent signaling pathways and stimulate SOCE in primary afferents. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of TRPC3, a calcium-permeable non-selective cation channel coupled to phospholipase C and highly expressed in DRG, as a link between activation of pro-inflammatory metabotropic receptors and SOCE in nociceptive pathways.


Using in situ hybridization, we determined that TRPC3 and TRPC1 constitute the major TRPC subunits expressed in adult rat DRG. TRPC3 was found localized exclusively in small and medium diameter sensory neurons. Heterologous overexpression of TRPC3channel subunits in cultured primary DRG neurons evoked a significant increase of Gd3+-sensitive SOCE following thapsigargin-induced calcium store depletion. Conversely, using the same calcium add-back protocol, knockdown of endogenous TRPC3 with shRNA-mediated interference or pharmacological inhibition with the selective TRPC3 antagonist Pyr10 induced a substantial decrease of SOCE, indicating a significant role of TRPC3 in SOCE in DRG nociceptors. Activation of P2Y2 purinoceptors or PAR2 protease receptors triggered a strong increase in intracellular calcium in conditions of TRPC3 overexpression. Additionally, knockdown of native TRPC3 or its selective pharmacological blockade suppressed UTP- or PAR2 agonist-evoked calcium responses as well as sensitization of DRG neurons. These data show a robust link between activation of pro-inflammatory receptors and calcium homeostasis through TRPC3-containing channels operating both in receptor- and store-operated mode.


Our findings highlight a major contribution of TRPC3 to neuronal calcium homeostasis in somatosensory pathways based on the unique ability of these cation channels to engage in both SOCE and receptor-operated calcium influx. This is the first evidence for TRPC3 as a SOCE component in DRG neurons. The flexible role of TRPC3 in calcium signaling as well as its functional coupling to pro-inflammatory metabotropic receptors involved in peripheral sensitization makes it a potential target for therapeutic strategies in chronic pain conditions.

Contribution of TRPC3 to SOCE and inflammatory transductions in primary nociceptors

Journal Club 2017.09.08

Leukotriene B(4) mediates sphingosylphosphorylcholine-induced itch-associated responses in mouse skin.


In atopic dermatitis, the concentration in the skin of sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC), which is produced from sphingomyelin by sphingomyelin deacylase, is increased. In the present study, we investigated the itch-eliciting activity of SPC and related substances and the mechanisms of SPC action in mice. An intradermal injection of SPC, but not sphingomyelin and sphingosine, induced scratching, an itch-associated response, which was not suppressed by a deficiency in mast cells or the H(1) histamine receptor antagonist terfenadine. The action of SPC was inhibited by the mu-opioid receptor antagonist naltrexone. SPC action also was inhibited by the 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor zileuton and the leukotriene B(4) antagonist ONO-4057, but not by the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin. Moreover, SPC action was inhibited by the antiallergic agent azelastine, which suppresses the action and production of leukotriene B(4). Administration of SPC to the skin and to primary cultures of keratinocytes increased leukotriene B(4) production. SPC increased intracellular Ca(2+) ion concentration in primary cultures of dorsal root ganglion neurons and keratinocytes. These results suggest that SPC induces itching through a direct action on primary afferents and leukotriene B(4) production of keratinocytes. Sphingomyelin deacylase and SPC receptors may be previously unreported targets for antipruritic drugs.

LTB4 Mediates Sphingosylphosphorycholine-induced Itch-Associated Responses in Mouse Skin

Journal Club 2017. 07. 21

A novel homology model of TRPC3 reveals allosteric coupling between gate and selectivity filter.


Utilizing a novel molecular model of TRPC3, based on the voltage-gated sodium channel from Arcobacter butzleri (Na(V)AB) as template, we performed structure-guided mutagenesis experiments to identify amino acid residues involved in divalent permeation and gating. Substituted cysteine accessibility screening within the predicted selectivity filter uncovered amino acids 629-631 as the narrowest part of the permeation pathway with an estimated pore diameter of < 5.8Å. E630 was found to govern not only divalent permeability but also sensitivity of the channel to block by ruthenium red. Mutations in a hydrophobic cluster at the cytosolic termini of transmembrane segment 6, corresponding to the S6 bundle crossing structure in Na(V)AB, distorted channel gating. Removal of a large hydrophobic residue (I667A or I667E) generated channels with approximately 60% constitutive activity, suggesting I667 as part of the dynamic structure occluding the permeation path. Destabilization of the gate was associated with reduced Ca2+ permeability, altered cysteine cross-linking in the selectivity filter and promoted channel block by ruthenium red. Collectively, we present a structural model of the TRPC3 permeation pathway and localize the channel’s selectivity filter and the occluding gate. Moreover, we provide evidence for allosteric coupling between the gate and the selectivity filter in TRPC3.

A novel homology model of TRPC3 reveals allosteric coupling between gate and selectivity filter

Journal Club 2017. 04. 21

IL-23 induced in keratinocytes by endogenous TLR4 ligands polarizes dendritic cells to drive IL-22 responses to skin immunization.


Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a Th2-dominated inflammatory skin disease characterized by epidermal thickening. Serum levels of IL-22, a cytokine known to induce keratinocyte proliferation, are elevated in AD, and Th22 cells infiltrate AD skin lesions. We show that application of antigen to mouse skin subjected to tape stripping, a surrogate for scratching, induces an IL-22 response that drives epidermal hyperplasia and keratinocyte proliferation in a mouse model of skin inflammation that shares many features of AD. DC-derived IL-23 is known to act on CD4(+) T cells to induce IL-22 production. However, the mechanisms that drive IL-23 production by skin DCs in response to cutaneous sensitization are not well understood. We demonstrate that IL-23 released by keratinocytes in response to endogenous TLR4 ligands causes skin DCs, which selectively express IL-23R, to up-regulate their endogenous IL-23 production and drive an IL-22 response in naive CD4(+) T cells that mediates epidermal thickening. We also show that IL-23 is released in human skin after scratching and polarizes human skin DCs to drive an IL-22 response, supporting the utility of IL-23 and IL-22 blockade in AD.

IL-23 induced in keratinocytes by endogenous TLR4 ligands polarizes dendritic cells to drive IL-22 responses to skin immunization

Journal Club 2017. 03. 31

Leaky Gate Model: Intensity-Dependent Coding of Pain and Itch in the Spinal Cord.


Coding of itch versus pain has been heatedly debated for decades. However, the current coding theories (labeled line, intensity, and selectivity theory) cannot accommodate all experimental observations. Here we identified a subset of spinal interneurons, labeled by gastrin-releasing peptide (Grp), that receive direct synaptic input from both pain and itch primary sensory neurons. When activated, these Grp+ neurons generated rarely seen, simultaneous robust pain and itch responses that were intensity dependent. Accordingly, we propose a “leaky gatemodel in which Grp+ neurons transmit both itch and weak pain signals; however, upon strong painful stimuli, the recruitment of endogenous opioids works to close this gate, reducing overwhelming pain generated by parallel pathways. Consistent with our model, loss of these Grp+ neurons increased pain responses while itch was decreased. Our new model serves as an example of non-monotonic coding in the spinal cord and better explains observations in human psychophysical studies.

total_Leaky Gate Model; Intensity-Dependent Coding of Pain and Itch in the Spinal Cord

Journal Club, 2017.03.24


N Engl J Med. 2017 Mar 2;376(9):826-835. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1606490.

Anti-Interleukin-31 Receptor A Antibody for Atopic Dermatitis.

From the Department of Dermatology and Allergology, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany (T.R., A.W.); the Department of Dermatology, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland (J.M.H.); the Department of Dermatology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka (M.F.), Tokyo Teishin Hospital (T.E.) and Chugai Pharmaceutical (R.M., H.Y.), Tokyo, the Department of Dermatology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto (K.K.), and Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Saitama (K.K.) – all in Japan; Jagiellonian University School of Medicine, Krakow (G.P.), Academic Health, Dermatology Clinic, Rzeszow (I.M.), and the Department of Histology and Embryology, Center for Biostructure, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw (R.G.) – all in Poland; and Chugai Pharma Europe, London (J.S.).


Background Interleukin-31 may play a role in the pathobiologic mechanism of atopic dermatitis and pruritus. We wanted to assess the efficacy and safety of nemolizumab (CIM331), a humanized antibody against interleukin-31 receptor A, in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. Methods In this phase 2, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 12-week trial, we assigned adults with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis that was inadequately controlled by topical treatments to receive subcutaneous nemolizumab (at a dose of 0.1 mg, 0.5 mg, or 2.0 mg per kilogram of body weight) or placebo every 4 weeks or an exploratory dose of 2.0 mg of nemolizumab per kilogram every 8 weeks. The primary end point was the percentage improvement from baseline in the score on the pruritus visual-analogue scale (on which a negative change indicates improvement) at week 12. Secondary end points included changes in the score on the Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI, on which a negative change indicates improvement), and body-surface area of atopic dermatitis. Results Of 264 patients who underwent randomization, 216 (82%) completed the study. At week 12, among the patients who received nemolizumab every 4 weeks, changes on the pruritus visual-analogue scale were -43.7% in the 0.1-mg group, -59.8% in the 0.5-mg group, and -63.1% in the 2.0-mg group, versus -20.9% in the placebo group (P<0.01 for all comparisons). Changes on the EASI were -23.0%, -42.3%, and -40.9%, respectively, in the nemolizumab groups, versus -26.6% in the placebo group. Respective changes in body-surface area affected by atopic dermatitis were -7.5%, -20.0%, and -19.4% with nemolizumab, versus -15.7% with placebo. Among the patients receiving nemolizumab every 4 weeks, treatment discontinuations occurred in 9 of 53 patients (17%) in the 0.1-mg group, in 9 of 54 (17%) in the 0.5-mg group, and in 7 of 52 (13%) in the 2.0-mg group, versus in 9 of 53 (17%) in the placebo group. Conclusions In this phase 2 trial, nemolizumab at all monthly doses significantly improved pruritus in patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis, which showed the efficacy of targeting interleukin-31 receptor A. The limited size and length of the trial preclude conclusions regarding adverse events. (Funded by Chugai Pharmaceutical; XCIMA number, NCT01986933 .).

Journal Club 2017. 03. 17.

Therapeutic Effects of Korean Red Ginseng Extract in a Murine Model of Atopic Dermatitis: Anti-pruritic and Anti-inflammatory Mechanism.


Korean red ginseng (KRG) and ginsenosides exhibit diverse biological effects, including anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic. We aimed to investigate the therapeutic effect of KRG in a murine model of atopic dermatitis (AD) is mediated whether by diminishing the pruritus or by suppressing the inflammation. Thirty NC/Nga mice were randomly divided to 5 groups. AD-like skin lesions were induced by percutaneous challenge with 2,4,6-trinitro-1-chrolobenzene (TNCB) on the ears and backs of NC/Nga mice. KRG extract, evening primrose oil, cyclosporine, and phosphate-buffered saline were administered orally by a gastric tube. Each study group was also divided into scratching-permitted and scratching-restricted subgroups to evaluate the impact of scratching behavior on AD. The effects of KRG and the other agents were assessed by measuring the clinical severity score, ear thickness, extent of transepidermal water loss (TEWL), number of scratching movements, total systemic immunoglobulin E (IgE) and interleukin (IL)-31 levels, histologic changes of cutaneous lesions, and mRNA expression levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interferon (IFN)-γ, thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), and IL-31. KRG exerts therapeutic effects against AD by inhibiting the T helper 2 (Th2) mediated inflammation as well as by diminishing the itching sensation. Moreover, restricting scratching behavior suppresses the vicious cycle of itching and scratching, thus reducing clinical and systemic inflammation in our murine model of AD.

Therapeutic Effects of Korean Red Ginseng Extract in a murint model of AD

Journal Club 2017. 2. 24

H2S and NO cooperatively regulate vascular tone by activating a neuroendocrine HNO-TRPA1-CGRP signalling pathway.


Nitroxyl (HNO) is a redox sibling of nitric oxide (NO) that targets distinct signalling pathways with pharmacological endpoints of high significance in the treatment of heart failure. Beneficial HNO effects depend, in part, on its ability to release calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) through an unidentified mechanism. Here we propose that HNO is generated as a result of the reaction of the two gasotransmitters NO and H2S. We show that H2S and NO production colocalizes with transient receptor potential channel A1 (TRPA1), and that HNO activates the sensory chemoreceptor channel TRPA1 via formation of amino-terminal disulphide bonds, which results in sustained calcium influx. As a consequence, CGRP is released, which induces local and systemic vasodilation. H2S-evoked vasodilatatory effects largely depend on NO production and activation of HNO-TRPA1-CGRP pathway. We propose that this neuroendocrine HNO-TRPA1-CGRP signalling pathway constitutes an essential element for the control of vascular tone throughout the cardiovascular system.

H2S and NO cooperatively regulate vascular tone by activating a neuroendocrine HNO–TRPA1–CGRP signalling pathway

Journal Club 2017. 1. 20

The transcription factor EPAS1 links DOCK8 deficiency to atopic skin inflammation via IL-31 induction.


Mutations of DOCK8 in humans cause a combined immunodeficiency characterized by atopic dermatitis with high serum IgE levels. However, the molecular link between DOCK8 deficiency and atopic skin inflammation is unknown. Here we show that CD4+ T cells from DOCK8-deficient mice produce large amounts of IL-31, a major pruritogen associated with atopic dermatitis. IL-31 induction critically depends on the transcription factor EPAS1, and its conditional deletion in CD4+ T cells abrogates skin disease development in DOCK8-deficient mice. Although EPAS1 is known to form a complex with aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT) and control hypoxic responses, EPAS1-mediated Il31 promoter activation is independent of ARNT, but in collaboration with SP1. On the other hand, we find that DOCK8 is an adaptor and negative regulator of nuclear translocation of EPAS1. Thus, EPAS1 links DOCK8 deficiency to atopic skin inflammation via IL-31 induction in CD4+ T cells.


Journal Club 2016.12.09

Chloroquine-induced scratching is mediated by NO/cGMP pathway in mice.


Chloroquine (CQ), a 4-aminoquinoline drug, has long been used in the treatment and prevention of malaria. However its side effect generalized pruritus contributes to treatment failures, and consequently results in the development of chloroquine resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum. It was proposed that the administration of CQ correlated with increase in nitric oxide (NO) production. Nitric oxide is involved in some pruritic disorders such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and scratching behavior evoked by pruritogens like substance P. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the involvement of NO/cGMP pathway in CQ-induced scratching in mice. Scratching behaviors were recorded by a camera after intradermal (ID) injection of CQ in the shaved rostral back of the mice. The results obtained show that CQ elicited scratching in a dose-dependent manner with a peak effective dose of 400μg/site. Injection of non-specific NOS inhibitor, N-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester or neuronal NOS selective inhibitor and 7-nitroindazole, reduced CQ-induced scratching significantly. On the other hand, administration of aminoguanidine as inducible NOS inhibitor has no inhibitory effect on this behavior. Also, injection of l-arginine as a precursor of NO significantly increased this response. Conversely, accumulation of cGMP by sildenafil as a selective phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor, potentiated the scratching behavior by CQ. This study therefore shows that CQ-induced scratching behavior is mediated by the NO/cGMP pathway.

Chloroquine-induced scratching is mediated by NO&cGMP pathway in mice


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