
TRPV1 gain-of-function mutation impairs pain and itch sensations in mice.

Duo L1,2,3Hu L1,2,3Tian N4Cheng G4Wang H1,2,3Lin Z1Wang Y4Yang Y1,2,3


Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) is a non-selective cation channel, which can detect various noxious stimuli that cause pain, inflammation, hyperalgesia, and itch. TRPV1 knock-out mice show deficiency in nociception, but the in vivo effects of persistent activation of TRPV1 are not completely understood. Here, we generated TRPV1 knock-in mice with a G564S mutation. In the heterologous expression system, an electrophysiological study showed that the G564S mutation in mouse TRPV1 caused increased basal current and a leftward shift of voltage dependence. Intriguingly, using behavioral analysis, we found that knock-in mice showed a thermosensory defect, impaired inflammatory thermal pain, and capsaicin sensitivity. We also demonstrated an attenuated behavioral response to the pruritic agent histamine in the knock-in mice. Indeed, calcium imaging together with electrophysiology showed that the overactive mutant had decreased capsaicin sensitivity. Western blot analysis revealed that the G564S mutant reduced TRPV1 phosphorylation and cell membrane trafficking. Together, we have generated a mouse model with a gain-of-function mutation in Trpv1 gene and demonstrated that the pain and histamine-dependent itch sensations in these mice are impaired due to a decreased phosphorylation level and reduced membrane localization of TRPV1.


Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1; gain of function; itch; pain; phosphorylation; trafficking

TRPV1 gain-of-function mutation impairs pain and itch sensation in mice.


Inhibition of morphine tolerance by MrgC receptor via modulation of interleukin-1β and matrix metalloproteinase 9 in dorsal root ganglia in rats.


Opiate tolerance is a critical issue in pain management. Previous studies show that activation of Mas-related gene (Mrg) C receptor can modulate the development of morphine tolerance. This study was designed to investigate the underlying mechanism(s). Intrathecal (i.t.) administration of morphine (20µg) increased the expression of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) in small- and medium-sized neurons in dorsal root ganglia (DRG). Co-administration of bovine adrenal medulla 8-22 (BAM8-22), a selective MrgC receptor agonist, via i.t. route inhibited the increase of IL-1β and MMP-9 in the DRG. Exposure of DRG cultures to morphine (3.3μM) for 3 or 5 days, but not for 1 day, induced an increase in MMP-9 mRNA expression. The treatment with BAM8-22 (10nM) for 20, 40 or 60min abolished chronic (5 days) morphine-induced increase of MMP-9 mRNA in the cultured DRG. The treatment with BAM8-22 for 1h inhibited chronic morphine-induced increase of MMP-9 and IL-1β mRNA in DRG but these effects were abolished by MrgC receptor antibody. The treatment with BAM8-22 for 24 and 72h respectively inhibited and enhanced morphine-induced expression of MMP-9 and IL-1β mRNA in the cultured DRG. The BAM8-22-induced inhibition and enhancement were abolished by MrgC receptor antibody. The results suggest that the inhibition of IL-1β and MMP-9 expressions in DRG underlain the modulation of morphine tolerance by the acute activation of MrgC receptors. The chronic activation of MrgC receptors can facilitate morphine-induced increase of MMP-9 and IL-1β expressions in DRG.


Chronic morphine; Dorsal root ganglia; Interleukin-1β (IL-1β); Mas-related gene (Mrg) receptor; Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9)

Inhibition of morphine tolerance by MrgC receptor via modulation of interleukin-1β and matrix metalloproteinase 9 in dorsal root ganglia in rats.


TRPV3 Channel in Keratinocytes in Scars with Post-Burn Pruritus.

Park CW, et al. Int J Mol Sci. 2017.


Post-burn pruritus is a common and distressing sequela of burn scars. Empirical antipruritic treatments usually fail to have a satisfactory outcome because of their limited selectivity and possible side effects. Therefore, novel drug targets need to be identified. Here, we aimed to investigate the possible role of protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) and transient receptor potential vanniloid 3 (TRPV3), along with the relation of TRPV3 to thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP). Specimens from normal (unscarred) or burn-scarred (with or without pruritus) tissue were obtained from burn patients for this study. In each sample, the keratinocytes were isolated and cultured, and the intracellular Ca2+ level at the time of stimulation of each factor was quantified and the interaction was screened. PAR2 function was reduced by antagonism of TRPV3. Inhibiting protein kinase A (PKA) and protein kinase C (PKC) reduced TRPV3 function. TSLP mRNA and protein, and TSLPR protein expressions, increased in scars with post-burn pruritus, compared to scars without it or to normal tissues. In addition, TRPV1 or TRPV3 activation induced increased TSLP expression. Conclusively, TRPV3 may contribute to pruritus in burn scars through TSLP, and can be considered a potential therapeutic target for post-burn pruritus.

20180202 YSH


Distinct roles of NMB and GRP in itch transmission.

Wan L1,2,3Jin H1,2,4Liu XY1,2Jeffry J1,2Barry DM1,2Shen KF1,2,5Peng JH1,2Liu XT1,2,6Jin JH1,2,7Sun Y1,2,8Kim R1Meng QT1,2,9Mo P1,2,10Yin J1,2Tao A6Bardoni R11Chen ZF12,13,14,15.


A key question in our understanding of itch coding mechanisms is whether itch is relayed by dedicated molecular and neuronal pathways. Previous studies suggested that gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) is an itch-specific neurotransmitter. Neuromedin B (NMB) is a mammalian member of the bombesin family of peptides closely related to GRP, but its role in itch is unclear. Here, we show that itch deficits in micelacking NMB or GRP are non-redundant and Nmb/Grp double KO (DKO) mice displayed additive deficits. Furthermore, both Nmb/Grp and Nmbr/Grpr DKO mice responded normally to a wide array of noxious stimuli. Ablation of NMBR neurons partially attenuated peripherally induced itch without compromising nociceptive processing. Importantly, electrophysiological studies suggested that GRPR neurons receive glutamatergic input from NMBR neurons. Thus, we propose that NMB and GRP may transmit discrete itch information and NMBR neurons are an integral part of neural circuits for itch in the spinal cord.

Distinct roles of NMB and GRP in itch transmission.

Supplementary information


Sensory TRP channels contribute differentially to skin inflammation and persistent itch.

Feng J1Yang P1Mack MR2Dryn D1,3Luo J1Gong X1,4Liu S1Oetjen LK2Zholos AV3Mei Z4Yin S4Kim BS2Hu H5.


Although both persistent itch and inflammation are commonly associated with allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), it is not known if they are mediated by shared or distinct signaling pathways. Here we show that both TRPA1 and TRPV1 channels are required for generating spontaneous scratching in a mouse model of ACD induced by squaric acid dibutylester (SADBE), a small molecule hapten, through directly promoting the excitability of pruriceptors. TRPV1 but not TRPA1 channels protect the skin inflammation, as genetic ablation of TRPV1 function or pharmacological ablation of TRPV1-positive sensory nerves promotes cutaneous inflammation in the SADBE-induced ACD. Our results demonstrate that persistent itch and inflammation are mediated by distinct cellular and molecular mechanisms in a mouse model of ACD. Identification of distinct roles of TRPA1 and TRPV1 in regulating itch and inflammation may provide new insights into the pathophysiology and treatment of chronic itch and inflammation in ACD patients.

Sensory TRP channels contribute differentially to skin inflammation and persistent itch.

Supplementary information


Targeting human Mas-related G protein-coupled receptor X1 to inhibit persistent pain.


Human Mas-related G protein-coupled receptor X1 (MRGPRX1) is a promising target for pain inhibition, mainly because of its restricted expression in nociceptors within the peripheral nervous system. However, constrained by species differences across Mrgprs, drug candidates that activate MRGPRX1 do not activate rodent receptors, leaving no responsive animal model to test the effect on pain in vivo. Here, we generated a transgenic mouse line in which we replaced mouse Mrgprs with human MrgprX1 This humanized mouse allowed us to characterize an agonist [bovine adrenal medulla 8-22 (BAM8-22)] and a positive allosteric modulator (PAM), ML382, of MRGPRX1. Cellular studies suggested that ML382 enhances the ability of BAM8-22 to inhibit high-voltage-activated Ca2+ channels and attenuate spinal nociceptive transmission. Importantly, both BAM8-22 and ML382 effectively attenuated evoked, persistent, and spontaneous pain without causing obvious side effects. Notably, ML382 by itself attenuated both evoked pain hypersensitivity and spontaneous pain in MrgprX1 mice after nerve injury without acquiring coadministration of an exogenous agonist. Our findings suggest that humanized MrgprX1 mice provide a promising preclinical model and that activating MRGPRX1 is an effective way to treat persistent pain.

KEYWORDS: DRG neurons; GPCR; MrgprX1; pain; positive allosteric modulator

Targeting human Mas-related G protein coupled receptor X1 to inhibit persistent pain.

IL-31RA Knockout Mice Exhibit Elevated Responsiveness to OSMR

IL-31RA Kockout Mice Exhibit Elevated Responsiveness to OSMR


IL-31 signals through the heterodimeric receptor IL-31RA and oncostatin M receptor (OSMR), and has been linked with the development of atopic dermatitis, a Th2 cytokine-associated disease in humans. However, recent studies of IL-31RA knockout (KO) mice have suggested that IL-31 signaling may be required to negatively regulate Th2 type responses rather than exacerbate them. Because those studies were performed on genetically modified mice, we examined whether neutralizing IL-31 with a specific mAb would give similar results to IL-31RA KO mice in two Th2 cytokine-associated immune models. We report no difference in lymphocyte Th2-type cytokine production after Ag immunization between IL-31RA KO mice, mice treated with the IL-31 mAb, or control animals. Second, we tested whether the absence of the IL-31RA subunit in IL-31RA KO mice may allow for increased pairing of the OSMR subunit with another cytokine receptor, gp130, resulting in overrepresentation of the heterodimeric receptor for OSM and increased responsiveness to OSM protein. We found that intranasal OSM challenge of IL-31RA KO mice resulted in increased IL-6 and vascular endothelial growth factor production in the lung compared with wild-type littermate control animals. Moreover, PBS-challenged IL-31RA KO mice already had increased levels of vascular endothelial growth factor, which were further increased by OSM challenge. These data imply that IL-31RA-deficient mice produce increased levels of OSM-inducible cytokines during airway sensitization and challenge, which may be the driving force behind the apparent exacerbation of Th2-type inflammatory responses previously observed in these mice.


central neural circuit for itch sensation.

Mu D1,2Deng J1,2Liu KF1Wu ZY3Shi YF1Guo WM1Mao QQ1Liu XJ1Li H3Sun YG4.


Although itch sensation is an important protective mechanism for animals, chronic itch remains a challenging clinical problem. Itch processing has been studied extensively at the spinal level. However, how itch information is transmitted to the brain and what central circuits underlie the itch-induced scratching behavior remain largely unknown. We found that the spinoparabrachial pathway was activated during itchprocessing and that optogenetic suppression of this pathway impaired itch-induced scratching behaviors. Itch-mediating spinal neurons, which express the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor, are disynaptically connected to the parabrachial nucleus via glutamatergic spinal projection neurons. Blockade of synaptic output of glutamatergic neurons in the parabrachial nucleus suppressed pruritogen-induced scratching behavior. Thus, our studies reveal a central neural circuit that is critical for itch signal processing.

A central neural circuit for itch sensation.

Supplementary materials for , A central neural circuit for itch sensation.

Scratching behavior test by magnetic induction method.


Substitution with a Single Cysteine in the Green Fluorescent Protein-Based Calcium Indicator GCaMP3 Enhances Calcium Sensitivity.


Genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECI) such as GCaMP3 are attracting significant attention as a good option for measuring intracellular calcium levels. Recently, a modified GCaMP3 called dCys-GCaMP3 was developed by replacing two threonine residues with cysteines. dCys-GCaMP3 proved to be a better calcium indicator, but it was not clear how and why the two cysteine residues were able to enhance the protein’s calcium sensitivity. The aim of the present study was to investigate the possible roles of these cysteine residues in dCys-GCaMP3. dCys-GCaMP3 (Thr330Cys;Thr364Cys) exhibited enhanced fluorescence intensity compared to the canonical GCaMP3 in calcium imaging experiments. However, substitution of a single residue at position 330 with cysteine (Thr330Cys) also afforded comparable sensitivity to GCaMP3. In contrast, the other single residue substitution at position 364 with cysteine (Thr364Cys) failed to enhance calcium sensitivity, showing that cysteine at position 330 is essential to improve calcium sensitivity. Thr330Cys substitution in the GCaMP3 or “Cys330GCaMP3” showed significantly reduced background fluorescence, and the fluorescence intensity was proportional to the amount of DNA used to transfect the cells used in the study. The substitute had to be cysteine, because replacement with other amino acids such as alanine, valine, and aspartate did not improve GCaMP3‘s calcium sensitivity. Cys330GCaMP3 outperformed a synthetic calcium-specific indicator, Fluo-3, in various calcium imaging experiments. Thus, the present study asserts that substituting the threonine at position 330 in GCaMP3 with cysteine is essential to enhance calcium sensitivity, and suggests that Cys330GCaMP3 can be used as a potent fluorescent calcium indicator to measure intracellular calcium levels.

Substitution with a single cysteine in the Green fluorescent Protein-Based Calcium indicator GCaMP3 Enhances Calcium sensitivity


Substance P activates Mas-related G protein-coupled receptors to induce itch.



Substance P (SP) is linked to itch and inflammation through activation of receptors on mast cells and sensory neurons. There is increasing evidence that SP functions through Mas-related G protein-coupled receptors (Mrgprs) in addition to its conventional receptor, neurokinin-1.


Because Mrgprs mediate some aspects of inflammation that had been considered mediated by neurokinin-1 receptor (NK-1R), we sought to determine whether itch induced by SP can also be mediated by Mrgprs.


Genetic and pharmacologic approaches were used to evaluate the contribution of Mrgprs to SP-induced scratching behavior and activation of cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons from mice.


SP-induced scratching behavior and activation of cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons was dependent on Mrgprs rather than NK-1R.


We deduce that SP activates MrgprA1 on sensory neurons rather than NK-1R to induce itch.


Mas-related G protein–coupled receptors; Substance P; calcium imaging; dorsal root ganglion neurons; knockout mice; receptor antagonist

Substance P activates Mas-related G protein -coupled receptors to induce itch.

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