Journal club 2013-05-24


Cross-sensitization of histamine-independent itch in mouse primary sensory neurons

  • University of California, Davis, Department of Neurobiology, Physiology & Behavior, 1 Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, United States

Accepted 8 September 2012
Available online 19 September 2012



Overexpression of pruritogens and their precursors may contribute to the sensitization of histamine-dependent and –independent itch-signaling pathways in chronic itch. We presently investigated self- and cross-sensitization of scratching behavior elicited by various pruritogens, and their effects on primary sensory neurons. The MrgprC11 agonist BAM8-22 exhibited self- and reciprocal cross-sensitization of scratching evoked by the protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR-2) agonist SLIGRL. The MrgprA3 agonist chloroquine unidirectionally cross-sensitized BAM8-22-evoked scratching. Histamine unidirectionally cross-sensitized scratching evoked by chloroquine and BAM8-22. SLIGRL unidirectionally cross-sensitized scratching evoked by chloroquine. Dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells responded to various combinations of pruritogens and algogens. Neither chloroquine, BAM8-22 nor histamine had any effect on responses of DRG cell responses to subsequently applied pruritogens, implying that their behavioral self- and cross-sensitization effects are mediated indirectly. SLIGRL unilaterally cross-sensitized responses of DRG cells to chloroquine and BAM8-22, consistent with the behavioral data. These results indicate that unidirectional cross-sensitization of histamine-independent itch-signaling pathways might occur at a peripheral site through PAR-2. PAR-2 expressed in pruriceptive nerve endings is a potential target to reduce sensitization associated with chronic itch.

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